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Witnessing the Earthquake | "If I Were a Volunteer"

Witnessing the Earthquake |
  • Event Location
  • Activity Start
    2023-03-27 17:30
  • Activity End
    2023-03-27 19:00
  • This event has ended. Thank you for your attention.
Within the Department of Arts, Culture and Sports; we are starting a new series of events called "Witnessing the Earthquake", where volunteers who have been involved in different activities in earthquake regions will share their duties, testimonies, situations and experiences they have encountered in the there and provide guidance for other volunteers who want to carry out relief activities.

In the scope of this event series; the first program will be held under the moderation of the Social Responsibility Club with the title of "If I Were a Volunteer" with our students who volunteered in the region during the earthquake.

*The event will be held online.
*The language of the event is Turkish.

Date: 27 March, Monday

Time: 17.30

ZOOM Link: https://ibnhaldun.zoom.us/j/99954291629?pwd=UnVrZzNGRFBNOUgyL3BIVnJpL05Wdz09 

Meeting ID: 999 5429 1629

Passcode: 618092