Political Science Club
The field of political thought, emerging as one of the main branches of philosophy, has evolved since its inception, spanning from Plato to Aristotle, Ibn Khaldun, Karl Marx, and Max Weber. Over 2000 years, it has been a domain where numerous questions have been posed and research has been conducted. Evolving into political science, it systematically addresses societal structures, progressing from the fundamental building blocks of society toward civilization. Political science, amidst technological advancements and the industrialization process, has become a science open to frequent scrutiny and interpretation in society's face of social changes. In our time, it remains an indispensable discipline in life. In the face of these transformations, it's essential to uphold this field of study, ensuring it retains its significance in civilization without losing its meaning or transitioning into different dimensions. Like any other field of study, it should be highly regarded and kept open to continuous research, examination, and development.