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Student Shuttles

Beginning Finish Number of Shuttles
Service Capacity
08.00 23.00 1 17 Persons
  • Ring shuttle service is provided on weekdays and weekends between 08.00-23.00, departing from the dormitories every hour.
  • 13:01 service starts at 13:15.
  • 19:01 service starts at 19:15.
  • There is no 13:01 service on Fridays, the service starts at 14:10.
  • The last shuttle service is completed at 23:00 as one way departing from the dormitories.
xx.01 Ibn Haldun Dormitories (Car Park)
xx.03 University (In front of Clock Tower)
xx.06 Fenertepe IETT platforms (Platform Entrance)
xx.12 Kayaşehir Central Metro stop (Adım Istanbul Taxi Stop, exit 1)
xx.20 Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Centre (In front of Main Entrance Gate)
xx.23 Ibn Haldun Dormitories (Car Park)
xx.25 University (In front of Clock Tower)
Date of Update: 28.02.2025
Hour Departure Arrival Number of Shuttles Service Capacity
07.50 Yenikapı Campus 2 Shuttle 27 +16 Persons
13.30* Campus Metrokent 1 Shuttle 16 Persons
13.30* Campus Halkalı Marmaray 1 Shuttle 16 Persons
15.40 Campus Metrokent 1 Shuttle 16 Persons
15.40 Campus Topkapı-Ulubatlı 1 Shuttle 27 Persons
15.40 Campus Halkalı Marmaray 1 Shuttle 16 Persons
17.30 Campus Metrokent 1 Shuttle 16 Persons
17.30 Campus Topkapı-Ulubatlı 1 Shuttle 27 Persons
20.30 Metrokent Dormitory 1 Shuttle 16 or  27 Persons
22.20 Yenikapı Dormitory 2 Shuttle 27
22.30 Halkalı Marmaray Dormitory 1 Shuttle 16 or 27 Persons
22.30 Metrokent Dormitory 1 Shuttle 16 or 27 Persons

*Departs at 14.10 on Fridays.

Date of Update: 26.03.2025

ÖTK survey data were taken into consideration in the changes made.

  • Shuttle service is not available on public holidays.
  • In order to avoid any disruption in personnel services, it is strongly requested that our students do not use personnel services.
  • Passenger loading and unloading services are not provided except for the departure and arrival points specified in the table.

Hour Departure Arrival Number of Shuttles
Service Capacity
09.00 Campus Metrokent-Yenikapı 1 Shuttle 27
13.00 Campus Metrokent 1 Shuttle 16 or 27 Persons
13.00 Campus Halkalı Marmaray 1 Shuttle 16 or  27 Persons
16.00 Campus Metrokent 1 Shuttle 16 Persons
20.30 Metrokent Dormitory 1 Shuttle 16 or 27 Persons
20.30 Halkalı Marmaray Dormitory 1 Shuttle 16 or 27 Persons
22.20 Yenikapı Dormitory 2 Shuttle 27 Persons
22.30 Metrokent Dormitory 1 Shuttle 16 or 27 Persons
22.30 Halkalı Marmaray Dormitory 1 Shuttle 16 or 27 Persons

Date of Update: 03.01.2025

ÖTK survey data were taken into consideration in the changes made.

  • Shuttle service is not available on public holidays.
  • In order to avoid any disruption in personnel services, it is strongly requested that our students do not use personnel services.
  • Passenger loading and unloading services are not provided except for the departure and arrival points specified in the table.