In the event organized in line with the commemoration and understanding of Nuri Pakdil; Poet and writer Necip Evlice met with our students in order to understand the stance and action of the master man of letters. In the program that started with the recitation of the Holy Quran, the poem "I Saw Masjid Al-Aqsa in My Dream" by the thinker Nuri Pakdil was sung with the interpretation of Ömer Faruk Karakurt, a student of our university. Afterwards, a short cine-vision about Pakdil's life was screened.
Necip Evlice started his speech by talking about how he met Nuri Pakdil, with whom he spent nearly 40 years. In his speech, he emphasized Nuri Pakdil's magnanimous, idiosyncratic, very humble but at the same time irritable, principled, honest and uncompromising personality. The Commemoration Program ended with a question and answer session.